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gen. watergate; brake
environ. sluice; sluice
industr. construct. mech.eng. sash-gate
transp. cowl panel; board
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gen. assorted
| de
gen. out of
regulación | de
gen. out of
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gen. level
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to phrases
compuerta f
gen. watergate; brake
coal. door; flap; hopper; hopper door
environ. sluice Vertical sliding gate or valve to regulate the flow of water in a channel or lock; sluice
industr., construct., mech.eng. sash-gate
nautic. hatch
tech. baffle; gate (de esclusas)
transp. cowl panel; board; member; side
transp., construct. sluice blade; flood gate; gate; hydraulic gate; valve blade
water.res. water-gate; sluice gate; lock gate
compuertas partes de máquinas f
gen. valves parts of machines
compuerta mixta de
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Mechanic engineering1