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polit. Behaviour
comp., MS behavior
ecol. behavior
environ. behaviour
law lewd conduct
med. behaviour
social.sc. comportment
transp. behaviour of grain; behaviour of ship
transp. mech.eng. performances
| mecánica
forestr. mechanical
| de
gen. out of
| un
gen. an
| motor
patents. engines
| de
gen. out of
- only individual words found

to phrases
comportamiento m
comp., MS behavior (A component that controls various run-time aspects of a service, an endpoint, a particular operation, or a client. Behaviors are grouped according to scope: common behaviors affect all endpoints globally, service behaviors affect only service-related aspects, endpoint behaviors affect only endpoint-related properties, and operation-level behaviors affect particular operations)
ecol. behavior
environ. behaviour Any observable action or response of an organism, group or species to environmental factors
law lewd conduct indecent or obscene actions
med. behaviour
social.sc. comportment; conduct
tech. performance
transp. behaviour of grain; behaviour of ship
transp., mech.eng. performances
comportamientos m
comp., MS behaviors (Reusable components that encapsulate interactive behavior and can be applied to objects in an application. A behavior may contain some state, and may expose one or more commands)
 comportamiento m
law lewd conduct
Comportamiento m
polit. Behaviour
comportamiento mecánica de un motor de
: 1 phrase in 1 subject