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gen. competence
comp., MS competency
econ. competition
environ. competition; economic competition; competition; economic competition
law jurisdiction
life.sc. competency
market. life.sc. full competition
| de
gen. out of
| atribución
gen. attribution
| material
mech.eng. plant equipment
- only individual words found

to phrases
competencia f
gen. competence
biol. biological competition
comp., MS competency (A recognized level of expertise within a given technical and/or business area)
econ. competition
environ. competition biological, The simultaneous demand by two or more organisms or species for an essential common resource that is actually or potentially in limited supply (biológica); economic competition The market condition where an individual or firm that wants to buy or sell a commodity or service has a choice of possible suppliers or customers; economic competition
law jurisdiction; competencies
life.sc. competency
market., life.sc. full competition
patents. rivalry
tech. fitness; qualification
transp. race
competencias f
law competencies; competence; competency
UN, law heads of jurisdiction
competencia biológica f
environ. competition biological
 Spanish thesaurus
competencia f
comp., MS Competency
law La habilidad de una persona de comprender y comunicarse, especialmente con respecto a participar en el juicio y para asistir a su abogado en su propia defensa
competencia de atribución: 1 phrase in 1 subject