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calefacción solar
 calefacción solar
agric. solar-heating
environ. solar heating
asistida | por
gen. a; in; inside; into; per; within
| bomba
gen. exhaust-machine
| de
gen. out of
| calor
health. heat
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calefacción solar
agric. solar-heating
environ. solar heating A domestic or industrial heating system that makes direct use of solar energy. The simplest form consists of a collector through which a fluid is pumped. The circuit also contains some form of heat storage tank and an alternative energy source to provide energy when the sun is not shining. The collector usually consists of a black surface through which water is piped, the black surface being enclosed behind glass sheets to make use of the greenhouse effect
life.sc., el. solar heating
calefacción solar asistida por bomba: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Mechanic engineering1