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gen. capstan
industr. winch
industr. construct. chem. capstan wheel
mech.eng. lifting jack; hoist gear; gear; tractor winch; machine
tech. A frame
transp. construct. air-lead
| de
gen. out of
| cadena calibrada
 cadena calibrada
transp. mech.eng. calibrated chain
- only individual words found

to phrases
cabrestante m
gen. capstan
electric. crab
industr. winch
industr., construct., chem. capstan wheel
mech.eng. lifting jack; hoist gear; gear; tractor winch; machine
tech. A frame; donkey engine; whim; windlass
transp., construct. air-lead
cabrestantes m
gen. capstans
cabrestante de cadena
: 1 phrase in 1 subject