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código de conducta
 Código de conducta
comp., MS Code of Conduct
 código de conducta
comp., MS code of conduct
| sobre
commun. IT transmission envelope
comp., MS about; envelope
pack. overwrap; wrapper
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| protección
health. protection
| de
gen. out of
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| dignidad
gen. dignity
| de
gen. out of
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| mujer
econ. woman
| y
gen. and
| el
gen. he
| hombre
econ. man
| en
comp. at
| el
gen. he
| trabajo
market. work done under contract
- only individual words found

to phrases
código de conducta
gen. Specifications on the implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact and Guidelines on the format and content of Stability and Convergence Programmes
comp., MS code of conduct (Rules that explain how someone should behave while using a service or product)
polit. Code of Conduct for Members of the European Parliament with respect to financial interests and conflicts of interest
Código de conducta
comp., MS Code of Conduct (The link to the code of conduct, which contains rules that explain how someone should behave while using a service or product)
código de conducta sobre la
: 27 phrases in 10 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture1
International Monetary Fund1
Labor law1
Name of organization14
Social science1
United Nations1