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industr. construct. flock silk; waste silk; stripping
industr. construct. chem. fuzz
life.sc. barren rock
nat.sc. agric. bud down
gen. cross out
comp., MS wipe
IT tech. clear
agric. tech. muddy sediment
| de
gen. out of
| bombax
nat.sc. agric. red silk-cotton tree
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
borra f
industr., construct. flock silk; waste silk
life.sc. barren rock
nat.sc., agric. bud down
borras f
agric., tech. muddy sediment
industr., construct., chem. cotton pulp
borrar v
gen. cross out
bank. erase
commun. obliterate
commun., mater.sc. delete; strike out
comp., MS wipe (To remove all data from a mobile device that has been lost, stolen, or compromised); clear (When Windows Disk Protection is enabled, to erase or empty the cache file on the hard disk when a user logs off or the computer is restarted); clear (When Windows Disk Protection is enabled, to erase or empty the cache file on the hard disk when a user logs off or the computer is restarted)
comp., MS, mexic. erase (To remove data permanently from a storage medium. This is usually done by replacing existing data with zeros or meaningless text or, in magnetic media, by disturbing the magnetic particles' physical arrangement, either with the erase head or with a large magnet)
IT to delete; to overpunch
IT, tech. to clear; to erase
law strike; expungement; expunge
borra v
industr., construct. stripping; sweeping
industr., construct., chem. fuzz
borra rellenos v
gen. flock stuffing; stuffing
 Spanish thesaurus
borrar v
law Manera oficial y formal de borrar un registro o parte de un registro
borra de
: 50 phrases in 14 subjects
Chemical fibers5
Information technology2
Knitted goods4
Textile industry14