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gen. gunwale
gen. embroider
polit. embroidery
gen. embroidery
gen. embroider
gen. brim; rim
comp., MS edge; border
gen. outskirts
| de
gen. out of
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
bordados n
gen. embroidery
borde v
gen. brim; rim
comp., MS edge (The boundary of a physical or rendered object, such as a display screen or window); border (The visible line around the edge of an object. For example, the four lines of a rectangle that comprise its border)
fish.farm. selvedge
footwear side
industr., construct. edge; border; selvage
transp., industr., construct. shoulders
bordo v
gen. board
bordes v
gen. outskirts
bordo v
agric., construct. border
bordes v
met. joint
bordado v
gen. embroider
borda v
gen. gunwale
bordado v
polit. embroidery
borda v
transp., nautic. gunnel
bordar v
gen. embroider
bordado de
: 17 phrases in 5 subjects
Textile industry5