
   Spanish English
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gen. voucher; exchange voucher
fin. bill; bond; debenture
law bond
work.fl. source document; supporting documents
account. bonds
fin. note
| a
comp. at
| tasa
fin. commun. charging
| de
gen. out of
interés reducida | al
gen. by
| comienzo
chem. initiation
del | período
health. menstruation
| con
gen. with
- only individual words found

to phrases
bono m
gen. voucher; exchange voucher
baseb. bonus
fin. bill; bond; debenture
IMF. bond (MBP5, SCN93)
law bond certificate of debt redeemable by court if defendant fails to appear in court
work.fl. source document; supporting documents
bonos m
account. bonds
fin. note
fin., BrE debenture loan
 bono m
law bond
 Spanish thesaurus
bono m
law Un certificado o evidencia de una deuda
bono a tasa de: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
International Monetary Fund3