
Google | Forvo | +
chem. clay bed
earth.sc. transp. nautic. bar
econ. bank
fin. all-purpose commercial bank
law bench
mater.sc. el. shallow
med. library
mun.plan. bench
gen. credit
| europeo
gen. european
| de
gen. out of
| tejidos
textile woven fabric
| y
gen. and
| células tumorales
 célula tumoral
med. tumour cell
- only individual words found

to phrases
banco m
chem. clay bed
comp., MS bank (A business that keeps money for individual people or companies, exchanges currencies, makes loans, and offers other financial services)
earth.sc., transp., nautic. bar
econ. bank
fin. all-purpose commercial bank
fin., IT banking institution
law bench judge or court
mater.sc., el. shallow
med. library
mun.plan. bench
bancos m
gen. credit
account. banks
fin. cash at bank; bank accounts
IMF. banking; banking sector
bancos muebles m
gen. benches furniture
banco de condensadores m
el. capacitor stack
Banco m
fin. bank
 banco m
law bench
banco europeo de tejidos y células tumorales
: 16 phrases in 9 subjects
Human rights activism1
Information technology1
International Monetary Fund1
United Nations1