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comp., MS Help; Help
econ. agric. contribution
fin. aid budget
health. help; relief; support
med. clyster
psychol. prompt
tech. relieving
| electrónica
econ. electronics
| de
gen. out of
navegación | que
gen. what
| determina
math. determine
| una línea
 una lìnea
math. line
| de
gen. out of
posición | midiendo
math. measure
| electrónicamente
ed. online
| la diferencia
 la diferencia
math. difference
| de
gen. out of
| tiempo
forestr. weather
| entre
math. between
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| recepción
nautic. delivery
| de
gen. out of
| señales
gen. point
| pulsantes
tech. pulsating
| de
gen. out of
| energía
polit. Energy
| de
gen. out of
| radio
math. radii
| recibidas
comp., MS Incoming
| de
gen. out of
| dos
math. two
| estaciones transmisoras
 estación transmisora
commun. broadcasting station
| distintas
gen. different
| pero
gen. but
| sincronizadas
transp. synchromesh
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
ayuda f
econ., agric. contribution
fin. aid budget
med. clyster (enema)
tech. relieving
Ayuda f
comp., MS Help (A UI element that provides access to online Help or other forms of user assistance)
ayuda v
gen. aid
ed. assistance
health. help; relief; support
med. enema
psychol. prompt
ayudar v
gen. accomodate; aid; assist; help
law aid and abet to assist in a crime; abet
psychol. prompt
Ayuda v
comp., MS Help (A UI element that provides access to online Help or other forms of user assistance)
ayuda electrónica de: 3 phrases in 3 subjects