
Google | Forvo | +
gen. make sure; assure; insure; secure
bank. affirm
baseb. clinch
fin. underwrite
patents. ensure; grant
tech. anchor
| que
gen. what
| el
gen. he
| sistema
health. system
| está
gen. this here
| a prueba de
 a prueba de
tech. leakproof
| manipulaciones
econ. handling
| inexpertas
gen. inexperienced
- only individual words found

to phrases
asegurar v
gen. make sure; assure; insure; secure 128
bank. affirm
baseb. clinch
fin. to underwrite
nautic. warrant
patents. ensure; grant
tech. anchor; fasten; lock
asegurando v
jarg. safetying
asegure... v
gen. secure the...
asegurar que el sistema está a prueba de manipulaciones inexpertas
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
United Nations1