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gen. note; remark
commun. point; register
crim.law. law int. law. aim; sight
met. taper
gen. sketch
bank. annotation
patents. note
| donde
gen. where?
| le
gen. her
| duele
math. dollar
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
apunte m
bank. annotation
patents. note
tech. scoring
apuntar v
gen. note; remark
commun. point; register
comp., MS point (To move a pointer (for example, an arrow) to a particular position on the screen, by using a pointing device such as a mouse or pen)
crim.law., law, int. law. aim; sight
met. to taper
mil., artil. lay; train
tech. pointing; take aim
apunte v
gen. sketch
apunte donde le
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Health care1