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gen. learning
ed. IT machine learning
ed. lab.law. placement; practicum; trainee period; work placement
meteorol. training
| en
comp. at; by
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| explotación
gen. exploitation
| de
gen. out of
| la familia
 la familia
math. family
- only individual words found

to phrases
aprendizaje m
gen. learning
ed., IT machine learning
ed., lab.law. placement; practicum; trainee period; work placement
meteorol. training
polit. apprenticeship; apprenticeship Any system by which an employer undertakes by contract to employ a young person and to train him or have him trained systematically for a trade for a period the duration of which has been fixed in advance and in the course of which the apprentice is bound to work in the employer's service (Todo sistema en virtud del cual el empleador se obliga, por contrato, a emplear a un joven trabajador y a enseñarle o a hacer que se le enseñe metódicamente un oficio, mediante un perìodo previamente fijado, en el transcurso del cual el aprendiz está obligado a trabajar al servicio de dicho empleador)
aprendizaje en la
: 17 phrases in 3 subjects
Name of organization1