
Google | Forvo | +
gen. applied
gen. add; attach
fin. apply
IT tech. map over
law apply to
real.est. apply; enforce; enforcement
inet. applet
| el
gen. he
| trato
polit. treaty
| de
gen. out of
| nacional
comp., MS domestic
- only individual words found

to phrases
aplicar v
gen. add; attach; assign 128
agric. to spread
auto. apply
commun. apply,to
comp., MS apply (To put into operation or to use)
fin. to apply; a system of minimum prices; in substitution for quotas; enforce
IT, tech. to map over
law apply to (la ley); apply (law, statute)
pack. apply (coatings, recubrimientos); coat; spread; roll-coat; roll
patents. employ; use
real.est. apply (un pago); enforce (leyes o reglamentos); enforcement (leyes o reglamentos)
telecom. to map over
textile apply coat
aplicado v
gen. applied
aplicarse v
fin. apply (as in: this benefit applies to full-time employees.)
aplique. v
gen. apply the.
aplique v
inet. applet
apliques v
IT applet
aplicar el
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
Name of organization1