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comp., MS Announcement
comp., MS Announcements
gen. ad
bank. advertisement
comp., MS ad; advertisement
health. sign
| de
gen. out of
| inicio
comp., MS Home
| de
gen. out of
| una
tech. catch
reconsideración | provisional
gen. temporary
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
anuncio m
gen. ad; advertising (Calling public attention to a product, service, event, etc., in publications, posters, television, etc.); announcement (A public notification of a new exhibition or event; often the only printed record of an exhibition)
bank. advertisement
comp., MS ad (A piece of content to be delivered by Commerce Server based on a specific formula for delivery referred to as Need of Delivery (NOD)); advertisement (A message placed in a mass medium (and usually paid for by the advertiser) to persuade targeted customers or prospects); spot (A short presentation or commercial on television or radio between major programs)
health. sign
pack. advertising; publicity
patents. placard; poster; affiche; notice
Anuncios m
comp., MS Announcements (The Settings sub-area where you can configure the publication settings for internal business news and notices)
Anuncio m
comp., MS Announcement (A Microsoft Dynamics CRM component that is used to communicate text information in a bulletin-board fashion to an organization)
anuncio v
inet. banner
anunciar v
gen. announce; give notice
commun. post
comp., MS advertise (To make a program, software update deployment, or task sequence available to clients via a collection)
market., commun. advertise
patents. insert; placard; publish by placard
anuncia v
gen. indicate
anuncio de inicio de una
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects