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book.bind. headcap; embellishment
commun. paste-on panel inlay
comp., MS adorner
construct. ornament
pack. decorate
police decoration
gen. paraphernalia; trimming; ornaments
| para
math. to
| el
gen. he
| pelo
ecol. fur hair
- only individual words found

to phrases
adorno m
book.bind. headcap; embellishment
commun. paste-on panel leather inlay
comp., MS adorner (A special glyph on the design surface. Adorners are usually attached to a target control, and they give the user a graphical means of adjusting the control's properties)
construct. ornament
pack. decorate
police decoration
adornos m
gen. paraphernalia; trimming
auto. trim
adornos bisutería m
gen. ornaments jewellery, jewelry
adornos para: 13 phrases in 3 subjects
Municipal planning1