
Google | Forvo | +
gen. activity
comp., MS activity
ecol. activity
econ. occupation; profession
health. potency
IMF. industry
transp. avia. duty
| llevadas
el. carry
| a
comp. at
| cabo
transp. industr. construct. ropes
| por
gen. a
| el
gen. he
| Centro Común de Investigaciones
 Centro Común de Investigación
R&D. Joint Nuclear Research Centre
- only individual words found

to phrases
actividad f
comp., MS activity (A pattern of work performed together for a single purpose. An activity may use or produce work products and may be tracked by a work item)
ecol. activity
econ. occupation; profession
health. potency
IMF. industry
transp., avia. duty
actividad nuclear f
gen. activity nuclear
actividades f
comp., MS, mexic. see+do (A list of attactions (places and events) in a specific neighborhood)
actividades llevadas a cabo por: 1 phrase in 1 subject