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gen. accept; receive; take; take in
comp., MS accept
fin. opt-in
fin. met. accept
law agree; consent
| una
tech. catch
| distinción honorífica
 distinción honorífica
econ. honour
| condecoración
tech. badge
| merced
med. mercy
| donativo
econ. donation
| o
gen. or
- only individual words found

to phrases
aceptar v
gen. accept; receive; take; take in
comp., MS accept (A UI element the user presses to agree to an incoming file transfer, invitation, audio/video call, or application sharing)
fin. opt-in
fin., met. to accept
law agree; consent
acepto v
gen. welcome
aceptar una distinción honorífica, condecoración, merced, donativo o: 1 phrase in 1 subject