
   Spanish English
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work.fl. use
gen. employ; make use of; use
patents. utilize; exploit
gen. use
social.sc. custom; practice
| los cuadros
 el cuadro
math. square
| de
gen. out of
selección | para
math. to
| elegir
comp., MS choose
| las
gen. the
| mejores
fin. improvements
| respuestas
comp., MS response
| para
math. to
| el
gen. he
| enunciado
UN contained
- only individual words found

to phrases
usar v
gen. employ; make use of; use
patents. utilize; exploit
uso v
gen. use
social.sc. custom; practice
work.fl. use leads to Preferred denomination in thesauri
úsese v
work.fl. use leads to Preferred denomination in thesauri
 Spanish thesaurus
USE abbr.
abbr. Unión Socialista Española
Use los cuadros de
: 1 phrase in 1 subject