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Tecnología de la información
 Tecnologìas de la Información
inet. Information Technologies
 Tecnología de la Información
commun. IT tech. information technology
 tecnologìa de la información
polit. information technology; information technology
 tecnología de la información
econ. information technology
environ. information technology
| para
gen. for; in order to
math. to
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| asistencia
health. help
| la
fish.farm. poke line
cooperación | y
gen. and
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| acción humanitarias
 acción humanitaria
meteorol. relief
- only individual words found

to phrases
tecnologìa de la información
polit. information technology; information technology The collection of technologies dealing specifically with processing, storing, and communicating information, including all types of computer and communications systems as well as reprographic methodologies. Use COMPUTERIZATION for the act of installing or equipping with computers
Tecnología de la Información
commun., IT, tech. information technology
tecnología de la información
econ. information technology
environ. information technology The systems, equipment, components and software required to ensure the retrieval, processing and storage of information in all centres of human activity (home, office, factory, etc.), the application of which generally requires the use of electronics or similar technology
Tecnologìas de la Información
inet. Information Technologies
tecnologías de la información
IT Information technologies
Tecnología de la información para la asistencia, la: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Name of organization1