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to phrases
sociedad civil
econ. company constituted under civil law (forma jurídica); civil society (movimientos de opinión)
IMF. civil society; civic society
law, econ. civil law partnership; nonstock corporation
polit. civil society Broad collectivity of non-governmental and social and civic institutions or associations which are (more or less) formally organized and which seek to reinforce or alter existing rules, norms and/or social structures. Includes NGOs, trade unions, academic institutions, citizen groups, professional associations, voluntary associations, etc (Amplia colectividad de instituciones o asociaciones no gubernamentales, sociales y cìvicas que están (más o menos) formalmente organizadas y que buscan consolidar o cambiar reglas, normas y/o estructuras sociales existentes. Incluye a las ONG, sindicatos, instituciones académicas, grupos de ciudadanos, asociaciones profesionales, asociaciones benévolas, etc)
Sociedad Civil
: 39 phrases in 10 subjects
Immigration and citizenship1
International Monetary Fund11
Name of organization4
Social science7
United Nations2