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Red mundial
 Red Mundial:
polit. Worldwide Network
| sobre
math. to be left
commun. IT transmission envelope
comp., MS about; envelope
pack. overwrap; wrapper; shroud
| frutas
agric. deciduous fruit
| de
gen. out of
| clima templado
 clima templado
environ. temperate climate
| en
comp. at
| zonas tropicales
 zona tropical
econ. tropical zone
| y
gen. and
| subtropicales
ecol. subtropical

to phrases
Red Mundial:
polit. Worldwide Network
red mundial
transp. global network
Red mundial sobre frutas de clima templado en zonas tropicales y subtropicales
: 53 phrases in 13 subjects
Computer networks2
Earth sciences1
Health care2
International Monetary Fund1
Name of organization22
Natural sciences1
Social science1
United Nations11
Work flow1