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Recursos hídricos
 recursos hìdricos
polit. water resources
 recursos hídricos
agric. aquatic resources
| para
gen. for; in order to
math. to
med. to; up to
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| agricultura
health. farming
| en
comp. at
| África
econ. Africa
| el
gen. he
| Cercano Oriente
 cercano oriente
polit. loc.name. Near East
| y
gen. and
| los
gen. the
| pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo
 pequeño Estado insular en desarrollo
gen. Small Island Developing States
- only individual words found

to phrases
recursos hídricos
agric. aquatic resources
environ. water resource Water in any of its forms, wherever located - atmosphere, surface or ground - which is or can be of value to man; water resource; water resources
recursos hìdricos
polit. water resources
Recursos hídricos para la agricultura en África: 4 phrases in 1 subject
Name of organization4