
Google | Forvo | +
bank. protocol
comp. protocol
comp., MS protocol
econ. Protocol; Protocol
IT -protocol
law notarial record book
patents. minutes; record; report
| sobre
commun. IT transmission envelope
| el
gen. he
| Estatuto
fin. articles
| de
gen. out of
| los
gen. the
| Cuarteles Generales
 cuartel general
math. headquarters
| Militares
fin. servicemembers
| Internacionales
patents. intergovernmental
| establecidos
UN laid down
| en
comp. at
| cumplimiento
gen. compliment
del | Tratado del Atlántico Norte
 Tratado del Atlántico Norte
gen. North Atlantic Treaty
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
protocolo m
bank. protocol
comp. protocol
comp., MS protocol (A standard set of formats and procedures that enable computers to exchange information)
econ. Protocol EU (UE)
patents. minutes; record; report
protocolos m
environ. protocol 1. The original draft of a document. 2. An international agreement of a less formal nature than a treaty. It is often used to amend treaties
protocolo v
econ. Protocol (EU, UE)
law notarial record book
protocolo N v
IT N-protocol
Protocolo sobre el Estatuto de los: 1 phrase in 1 subject