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gen. start
chem. initiation; law
comp., MS principle
med. principe
tech. starting
| normativos
gen. normative
| para
math. to
| las
gen. the
| políticas
tech. policy
| y
gen. and
| programas
patents. programmes
| de
gen. out of
| bienestar social
 bienestar social
econ. social well-being
| para
math. to
| el
gen. he
| desarrollo
nat.sc. agric. evolution
| en
comp. at
| un
gen. an
| futuro
polit. future
| próximo
chem. vicinal
- only individual words found

to phrases
principio m
gen. start
chem. initiation; law
comp., MS principle (Basic beliefs and assumptions that define a methodology or process)
med. principe
tech. starting
principios m
IT, dat.proc. front matter; preliminary matter; prelims
Principios normativos para las políticas y programas de bienestar social para
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
United Nations1