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PPI abbr.
comp., MS PPP (A measurement of the clarity or fineness of detail of an image displayed on a computer monitor)
 English thesaurus
PPI abbr.
abbr. Pages Per Inch; Paranormal Private Investigator; Parts Per Inch; Pay Per Inclusion; Personal Priesthood Interview; Positive Peer Influence; Postage Paid Impression; Precision Performance Individuality; Protected Personal Information; Parallel Port Interface; plane position indicator; Pulse Position Indicator; Plastics Pipe Institute; Pulp and Paper International; product price index
abbr., agrochem. Preplant Incorporated (uky.edu Reklama)
abbr., anim.husb. Productive Physical Infrustructure
abbr., avia. piston position indicator
abbr., bank. payment protection insurance (Vladimir Shevchuk)
abbr., biotechn. Protein-protein interaction (Altuntash)
abbr., BrE Printed Postage Impression (2006, according to Scott Stamp Monthly)
abbr., busin. parcel post, insured
abbr., cardiol. permanent pacemaker implantation (iwona)
abbr., comp., net. programmable peripheral interface
abbr., earth.sc. parallel plate intercepter; pictorial position indicator; pictorial position indicator (radar); previous precipitation index
abbr., econ. property price index; policy proof of interest
abbr., ed. Participant Perception Indicator; Pedagogical Psychological Information; Pre Primary Impairments
abbr., el. pay per information unit; PDH physical interface; PIPA pulse integrator; photosensitive polyimide; processor/peripheral interface; protocol processing image
abbr., file.ext. Planar-Plug-In; Precise Pixel Interpolation
abbr., fin. producer price index
abbr., IT Pixels Per Inch; Points Per Inch
abbr., karate. pounds per inch; preplanned product improvement
abbr., leg.ent.typ. Private Participation in Infrastructure (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., life.sc. posterior predictive interval (ННатальЯ)
abbr., Makarov. programmed peripheral interface
abbr., med. Post cardiac Pacing Interval; Patient and Public Involvement; Proton Pump Inhibitor; present pain intensity (xx007); proton pump inhibitor (harser); purified-pork insulin (очищенный свиной инсулин Dimpassy); рresent pain intensity (ННатальЯ); Physician Performance Index
abbr., meteorol. planned position indicator
abbr., mil. Plan Position Indicator; Producer Price Index
abbr., mil., avia. Pacific Propeller
abbr., oil production payment interest; parallel plate interceptor; parallel plates interceptor separator; pin point injection; policy proof of interest; pound per inch; process performance index; pseudoproductivity index
abbr., pharma. Patient Package Insert (http://www.fda.gov/ForPatients/ucm412663.htm Betula)
abbr., phys. plane position indication
abbr., physiol. protein-pump inhibitor; psychophysiological interaction
abbr., physiol., med. Pea Protein Isolate
abbr., polym. Plastic Pipe Institute; polymeric polyisocyanate
abbr., progr. Private Peripheral Interrupt (vasuk)
abbr., pulp.n.paper pulp and paper industry (MichaelBurov); pulp-and-paper industry (MichaelBurov)
abbr., scottish Pacific Propeller Inc. (USA)
abbr., space plan position indication; power performance index
abbr., tech. vea "plan position indicator"
abbr., tradem. Precision Preparation Inc
abbr., UN population poverty index (MichaelBurov)
energ.ind. producer price indexes
mil. personnel planning information; plan position indicator
oil, abbr. parallel plate pore model
tech. plan-position indicator; present position indicator
ppi abbr.
abbr., commer. parcel post insured
chromat. peak purity index (показатель (индекс) чистоты пика baloff)
IT pixels per inch
PPi abbr.
abbr. inorganic pyrophosphate
PPIs abbr.
abbr., physiol. proton-pump inhibitors
PPI: 6 phrases in 3 subjects
Fishery fishing industry1