
Google | Forvo | +
gen. operation
account. transactions
law operations
comp., MS operation
fin. deal
health. operation
lab.law. phase of the work; work step
math. operation
transp. movement
| piloto
gen. tally light
destinadas | a
comp. at
| integrar
gen. integrate
| el
gen. he
| concepto
psychol. concept
| de
gen. out of
| sociedad de la información
 Sociedad de la Información
inet. Information Society
| en
comp. at
| las
gen. the
| políticas de desarrollo
 polìtica de desarrollo
polit. development policy
| regional
gen. regional
| de
gen. out of
| las regiones menos favorecidas
 las regiones menos favorecidas
econ. the least-favoured regions
- only individual words found

to phrases
operación f
gen. intervention
comp., MS operation (In mathematics, an action performed on a set of entities that produces a new entity. Examples of mathematical operations are addition and subtraction)
fin. deal; trade; transaction
health. operation
lab.law. phase of the work; work step; process
math. operation (The mathematical process intended to provide a result); function
pack. packaging operation; packaging process
transp. movement
transp., avia. operations
operaciones f
account. transactions
law operations
operacion f
gen. operation
Operaciones piloto destinadas a integrar: 2 phrases in 2 subjects