
Google | Forvo | +
agric. chem. nitric oxide
gen. no; not; no, thanks
| respirar
gen. respire
health. breathe
| el
gen. he; him
| polvo
econ. dust
| el
gen. he
| humo
environ. flue gas
| el
gen. he
| gas
health. gases
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| niebla
health. smog
| los
gen. the
| vapores
chem. fumes
| el
gen. he
| aerosol
econ. aerosol
- only individual words found

noun | adverb | to phrases
no m
gen. no, thanks
nos m
gen. ourselves; us
no adv.
gen. no; not
NO adv.
agric., chem. nitric oxide
No respirar
: 10 phrases in 3 subjects
Health care1