
   Spanish English
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gen. mechanism
IMF. arrangements; array; scheme; system; arrangement; regime
industr. construct. motion
patents. device; appliance
| intergubernamental
environ. intergovernmental
| de
gen. out of
evaluación | y
gen. and
| control
health. control
| de
gen. out of
| los
gen. the
| riesgos
IMF. contingencies
| de
gen. out of
| los productos
 el producto
math. product
| químicos
econ. chemistry
- only individual words found

to phrases
mecanismo m
gen. mechanism
IMF. arrangements; array; scheme; system; arrangement; regime
industr., construct. motion
patents. device; appliance
tech. layout
textile mechanical device
mecanismos m
tech. appliance
Mecanismo intergubernamental de: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
International Monetary Fund1
Name of organization2