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gen. construction joint
bank. assembly; meeting
coal. joint ring
comp. board
mech.eng. labyrinth seal
tech. assembling; seam
textile committee
| Nacional
comp., MS domestic
| de
gen. out of
| Bibliografía
econ. bibliography
| y
gen. and
| Tecnología
econ. technology
| Cientificas
polit. scientist
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
junta f
gen. construction joint (de dilatación)
bank. assembly; meeting
coal. joint ring
comp. board
mech.eng. labyrinth seal
pack. manufacturer’s joint; adhesive pint; weld; riveted seam; riveted joint; row of rivets; welding seam; welded joint; weld line; sealing; heat sealing; T-joint; T-weld
tech. assembling; seam
textile committee; seal
juntas f
gen. joint packings
juntas partes de motores f
gen. sealing joints parts of engines
junta v
gen. joint; junta
coal. washer
construct. splice
el. union
life.sc., el. gasket
mech.eng. packing
met. clearance
juntar v
gen. join 128 ; connect 128 ; amass 128
footwear to gather
immigr., tech. to assemble; to collect
IT append
math. put together
tech. splice
juntas v
gen. gaskets; seals
juntas partes de motores v
gen. joints parts of engines
juntado v
industr., construct. splicing
junto v
gen. assembles
Junta v
gen. Governing Council of the Autonomous Community
Junta Nacional de
: 6 phrases in 4 subjects
Natural sciences1