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gen. Instruments
patents. appliance; document; deed
tech. rig
commun. binder's tools; binding blocks
crim.law. instrumentality
math. tools
| de
gen. out of
| enmienda
econ. amendment
| de
gen. out of
| la
fish.farm. poke line
Constitución | de
gen. out of
| la Unión
 la unión
math. union
| Internacional
patents. intergovernmental
| de
gen. out of
| Telecomunicaciones
econ. telecommunications
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
instrumento m
meteorol. gage generic, unspecified term
patents. appliance; document; deed
tech. rig
instrumentos m
commun. binder's tools; binding blocks
crim.law. instrumentality
math. tools
med. instrumentarium; instruments
Instrumentos m
gen. Instruments
instrumento v
gen. means; tool
nat.sc., earth.sc., mech.eng. implement
transp., avia. instrument
instrumentar v
comp., MS instrument (To tag the source code in order to measure the amount of time spent in each area)
IT, tech. instrumentation
transp., industr., construct. to instrument
Instrumento de enmienda de la: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
United Nations1