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pharma. Questionnaire
comp., MS quiz
math. questionnaire
med. questionary
stat. form; schedule
| anual
gen. yearly
| sobre
commun. IT transmission envelope
| estadísticas
math. sample statistic
| acerca de
 acerca de
comp. relative azimuth
| las
gen. the
| políticas
tech. policy
| de
gen. out of
subvención | y
gen. and
estabilización | de
gen. out of
| los
gen. the
| precios agrícolas
 precio agrícola
econ. agric. EC farm price
- only individual words found

to phrases
cuestionario m
comp., MS quiz (A test of knowledge that consists of a series of short questions, often in a multiple-choice format)
math. questionnaire
med. questionary
stat. form; schedule
stat., social.sc. survey form
Cuestionario m
pharma. Questionnaire
Cuestionario anual sobre estadísticas acerca de las políticas de: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Name of organization1