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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
cue [kju:] n
comp., MS pila f (An icon depicting a stack of papers that represent filtered lists. The cue appears in the Activities home part on the Role Center. The height of each cue roughly represents the number of entities in the underlying list; as the number of entities increases, the height of the cue increases)
cue [kju:] v
gen. cola; señal de cola
commun. señal de aviso
radio señal de advertencia
 English thesaurus
CUE [kju:] abbr.
abbr. Coastal Upwelling Experiment; Computer Up-date Equipment; computer updated equipment; carbon use efficiency
abbr., anim.husb. Cornell University Universal Extender
abbr., avia. Cuenca, Ecuador
abbr., biol. Cornell university extender
abbr., ed., scient. Computer Using Educators
abbr., el. communication unit executor; correlating user exchange
abbr., file.ext. Control Unit End; Custom Updates and Extras (card, Egghead Software)
abbr., IT Microsoft Cue Cards data
abbr., mil. Component Uncertainty Evaluation
mil. common usage equipment
tech. command uplink electronics; communications unit executor; computer update equipment
cue [kju:] abbr.
abbr. concentrator unit control
comp., MS Cue (An icon depicting a stack of papers that represent filtered lists. The cue appears in the Activities home part on the Role Center. The height of each cue roughly represents the number of entities in the underlying list; as the number of entities increases, the height of the cue increases)
inf. cucumber
CUED abbr.
abbr. Cambridge University Engineering Department
CUE [kju:] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. component utilization effectiveness
abbr., oil computer utilization efficiency; correction-update-extension
Cue: 19 phrases in 9 subjects
Hobbies and pastimes4
Information technology1