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econ. Centru
dialys. unit
econ. transp. cost centre
industr. construct. case body; wrap yarn
mater.sc. forestr. paper core
meteorol. focus
patents. mean; medium
rem.sens. centre point
| de
gen. out of
| estudios
ed. coursework
| para
math. to
| la
fish.farm. poke line
aplicación del | Derecho comunitario
 derecho comunitario
polit. Community law
| en
comp. at
| materia
environ. subject
| penal
law criminal
| y
gen. and
| financiera
IMF. finance company
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
centro m
agric. middle
bot. central
dialys. unit facility, department, centre, etc
econ., transp. cost centre
environ. site
health. facility
industr., construct. case body; wrap yarn
industr., construct., met. middle zone of lens
mater.sc., forestr. paper core; core
math. centre of a range; center
med. centre; centrum
meteorol. focus
patents. mean; medium
rem.sens. centre point
stat. centre of location
Centro m
econ. Centru Romania (Rumanía)
centros m
tech. centers
centrar v
comp. center justify
comp., MS center (To align objects or text around a point located in the middle of a line, page, or other defined area; in effect, to position items an equal distance from each margin or border)
footwear to pull over; to tack
life.sc. to centre; to bring into coincidence
mech.eng. center; centralize; centre
tech. center punch
Centro v
econ. Centru (Romania, Rumanía)
 Spanish thesaurus
Centro Rumanía m
econ. Centru (Ρουμανία)
Centro de estudios para la
: 15 phrases in 11 subjects
Health care1
Human rights activism1
International Monetary Fund1
Name of organization1
Social science1