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ed. code
immigr. check digit
law law code; legal code; body of laws
math. code
tech. code book
work.fl. IT key; numeric code
environ. code
| sobre
commun. IT transmission envelope
| la
fish.farm. poke line
valoración | de
gen. out of
| mercancías en aduana
 mercancía en aduana
IMF. bonded good
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
código m
ed. code Title IV Code (Código de Tìtulo IV)
immigr. check digit
IT, tech. coding scheme
law law code; legal code; body of laws
math. code
tech. code book
work.fl., IT key; numeric code
códigos m
environ. code; code A systematic collection, compendium or revision of laws, rules, or regulations. A private or official compilation of all permanent laws in force consolidated and classified according to subject matter. Many states have published official codes of all laws in force, including the common law and statutes as judicially interpreted, which have been compiled by code commissions and enacted by the legislatures
 código m
law code
código adj.
IT, dat.proc. coded character set
 Spanish thesaurus
código m
law La ley creada por estatutos. Por ejemplo, el Código de Procedimiento Civil de California, el Código de Vehículos de California, el Código Penal de California, y el Código de Salud y Seguridad de California
Código sobre la: 41 phrases in 13 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture1
International Monetary Fund3
International trade3
Labor law1
Name of organization15
Social science1
United Nations1