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gen. mite
health. mite
health. nat.res. mite; mange mite; sarcoptes; scab mite
nat.sc. agric. flour mite
environ. mite; mite; mites
del | plateado
met. silver plating
| de
gen. out of
| los
gen. the
| limones
health. lemon

to phrases
ácaro m
health. mite
health., nat.res. mite (Dermatophagoides Farinae, Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus); mange mite (Arachnida); sarcoptes (Arachnida); scab mite (Arachnida)
nat.res., agric. blister mite (Eriophyes, Eryophyes); gall mite (Eriophyes, Eryophyes)
nat.sc., agric. flour mite (Aleurobius farinae, Tyroglyphus farinae); forage mite (Aleurobius farinae, Tyroglyphus farinae); grain mite (Aleurobius farinae, Tyroglyphus farinae); meal mite (Aleurobius farinae, Tyroglyphus farinae)
ácaros m
environ. mite An order of small Arachnida with rounded bodies. Mites are very abundant in the soil, feeding on plant material and invertebrate animals. Some parasitic mites (e.g. red spider) damage crops and can be serious pests. Others cause diseases in animals. Ticks are blood-suckers, some being vectors of diseases such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever in humans and fowls, and louping ill in cattle and sheep; mite; mites
nat.sc., agric. acaridae (Acaridae, Acarina)
ácaro Aceria litchii m
pest.contr. lychee mite
acaro m
gen. mite
ácaros Acarina m
vet.med. acarina
ácaro del plateado de los limones
: 220 phrases in 9 subjects
Health care2
Name of organization1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation22
Natural sciences93
Pest control7
Veterinary medicine5