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to phrases
belgi n
gen. badge; designation; emblem; ensign; hue; impress; indentation; indictment; insignia; mark; marking; notch; omen; presage; sign; signal; symbol; token
cleric. sacrament
comp., MS char (The data type that holds a maximum of 8,000 characters); character (A letter, number, punctuation mark, or other symbol); charm (An icon that is attached to an event and that is viewable in someone's calendar. Depending on the calendar view, a charm may appear next to an event title, or may be the only visual representation of an event on a calendar day); label (A word, symbol, or other group of characters used to identify a file, a storage medium, an element defined in a computer program, or a specific item in a document such as a spreadsheet or a chart)
Scotl. weird
belgi tekshirilganlik belgisi n
gen. check
belgi daraxtda n
gen. blaze
: 40 phrases in 3 subjects