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Intezmenykozi megallapodas
 intézményközi megállapodás
polit. Interinstitutional Agreement
az | Europai Parlament
 Európa Parlament
environ. European Parliament
| a
stat. chem. pits
| Tanacs
gen. Council of Ministers; Council of the European Union; Council
med. advice
| es
agric. plot of land
| a
stat. chem. pits
| Bizottsag
gen. European Commission
kozott | a
stat. chem. pits
| koltsegvetesi
agric. budgetary
| fegyelemrol
sport. discipline
| es
agric. plot of land
| a
stat. chem. pits
| penzgazdalkodas
fin. account. cash management
hatekonysagarol | es
agric. plot of land

to phrases
intézményközi megállapodás
gen. Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management
polit. Interinstitutional Agreement
Intézményközi megállapodás: 6 phrases in 3 subjects