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noun | verb | to phrases
valider m
auto.ctrl. acknowledge
comp. confirm; validate
welf. legitimate
valider v
comp., MS commit (An operation that saves all changes to databases, cubes, or dimensions made since the start of a transaction); post (To record the monetary value of an economic event in a specific account, or to summarize and reclassify general and subsidiary journal account entries into general and subsidiary ledger account entries); validate (To compare files on local volumes with their associated data in secondary storage by Remote Storage. Validating files ensures that all the files on the managed volumes point to valid and correct data in remote storage. It also recalculates volume statistics)
law quiet
tech. authenticate (to); confirm (to); check (to)
valide v
comp., MS valid (Pertaining to syntax, a file (or other syntactical entity) which satisfies syntax rules)
IT valid
validé v
IT valid
valider: 5 phrases in 4 subjects