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valeur nette
 valeur nette
busin. account. net assets; net worth; owners' equity
comp., MS net book value
corp.gov. net value
econ. equity
fin. back value; netback value
- only individual words found

to phrases
valeur nette
busin., account. net assets; net worth; owners' equity; shareholders' equity; shareholders' funds; stockholders' equity
comp., MS net book value (The value of a fixed asset calculated as the difference between the original cost of the fixed asset minus its accumulated depreciations)
corp.gov. net value
econ. owner's equity
fin. back value; netback value
IMF. net worth of an economy; net wealth position; net wealth
valeur nette d'un bien hypothéqué
law equity of redemption
valeur nette actualisée
: 2 phrases in 1 subject
United Nations2