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econ. General Court; General Court
polit. law Court of First Instance; Court of First Instance of the European Communities; General Court of the European Union
environ. court; court
law court of law
law engl. tribunal
tech. court-house
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| dessins
arts. plan
| ou
comp. OR
| modèles
IT tech. industrial design
| communautaires
gen. in the Community
- only individual words found

to phrases
tribunal m
environ. court; court An organ of the government, belonging to the judicial department, whose function is the application of the laws to controversies brought before it and the public administration of justice. The presence of a sufficient number of the members of such a body regularly convened in an authorized place at an appointed time, engaged in the full and regular performance of its functions. A body in the government to which the administration of justice is delegated. A body organized to administer justice, and including both judge and jury. An incorporeal, political being, composed of one or more judges, who sit at fixed times and places, attended by proper officers, pursuant to lawful authority, for the administration of justice. An organized body with defined powers, meeting at certain times and places for the hearing and decision of causes and other matters brought before it, and aided in this, its proper business, by its proper officers, attorneys and counsel to present and manage the business, clerks to record and attest its acts and decisions, and ministerial officers to execute its commands, and secure due order in its proceedings
law court of law
law, engl. tribunal
patents. court of justice; court of appeal; court of appeals
tech. court-house
UN, engl. tribunal ILO
Tribunal m
econ. General Court (EU, UE); General Court EU (UE)
polit., law Court of First Instance; Court of First Instance of the European Communities; General Court of the European Union
tribunal des dessins ou
: 1 phrase in 1 subject