
   French English
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arts. transfer
coal. conveying; haulage; transportation
comp., MS Canada freight
law conveyance
transp. transmission
polit. transport
du | zéro
med. null
| des
earth.sc. Dec
- only individual words found

to phrases
transport m
agric. hauling
arts. transfer; transference; transferring
chem. carrying; extraction; acceleration
coal. conveying; haulage; transportation
comp. dispatch
comp., MS, Canada freight (An amount paid to a carrier for transporting goods)
construct. cartage
environ. transportation The act or means of moving tangible objects (persons or goods) from place to place. Often involves the use of some type of vehicle
law conveyance
load.equip. transportation (n.m.); transport (n.m.)
nucl.phys., OHS transport (of radioactivity, natural); shipping (of radioactive materials, human activity)
phys.sc., environ., engl. transport
transp. transmission
UN delivery
UN, tech. cargo
transports... m
gen. Information and dissemination; transport...
travaux m pl de transport m
construct. transportation operations
transports m
polit. transport
 French thesaurus
transport m
mil., logist. Déplacement de personnels, de matériels ou de ressources effectué sous le commandement et la responsabilité technique et tactique du chef des éléments de transport. (FRA)
transport du zéro des
: 2 phrases in 1 subject
United Nations2