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UN account. Part
commun. title page
comp., MS title
fin. econ. budget title
industr. construct. chem. fibre count
law documentary title; title document
med. concentration of a substance in solution
tech. industr. construct. linear density
| adossés
fin. tech. back to back
à des | créances
account. amount receivable
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
titre m
bank. legal document; deed; share certificate; fineness (aloi); standard (aloi); standard degree of fineness (aloi)
chem. power; output; performance; intensity; starch; stiffening; titrometric standard; fineness (d'un alliage); standard (d'un alliage); content; percentage
commun. title page
comp. header; heading
comp., MS title (On a DVD, typically, the largest unit of content, such as a movie or TV program, is called a title. There is not a consistent standard across all DVDs and because of this, a DVD can contain one or more titles)
econ. stock certificate; warrant certificate of shares
fin., econ. budget title
industr., construct., chem. fibre count
knit.goods count of yarn
law documentary title; title document
med. concentration of a substance in solution
patents. claim; right; legal claim; legal title
tech., industr., construct. linear density
welf. bond
titres m
econ. valuable documents; valuable papers
IMF. paper finance
org.name. titles
page de titre m
gen. title page
Titre m
UN, account. Part of budget
titre v
gen. title (The distinguishing name of a work, or a subdivision of it, such as the chapter of a book); proof of capability
arts. title
chem. normality; titer
comp., MS heading (A paragraph style that displays text in a font that is larger than normal text)
ed. degree; diploma
fin. certificate; evidence of title; investment in securities; security
food.ind. strength; titre
industr., construct., chem. yardage; gauge
law document; instrument; Title of matter; document of title
law, fin. share; stock
market. headline
met. fineness
nat.sc. count
titres v
econ. documents of value; securities
stat., account. bonds and debentures
titrer v
gen. to measure; run something as a headline (quelque chose)
chem. to obtain a standard strength; titrate; to titrate
IT, dat.proc. to write a headline
titre d'une carte v
tech. headings; title (of map)
Titres v
fin. Securities
titres adossés à des créances
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects
Corporate governance1
International Monetary Fund5