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gen. cladding
industr. construct. doubling; laminating; coating; lining; overlay; sheathing
mater.sc. mech.eng. insert; liner; package liner
| en
med. to
| terre
tech. gauge head
| compactée
construct. consolidated
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to phrases
revêtement m
gen. cladding; shrouding; cladding process
build.struct. sheeting; pavement
chem. coating layer; finish; enveloping; wrapping; jacket; casing; fittings; garniture; delivery; blocking; ceiling; inset; charge; fodder; paint
commun., construct. surface
comp. plating; enclosure; encasement; package
construct. surfacing; surface dressing; surface treatment; mantle; casing (cased joists); brick pavement; flat brick
el. fiber cladding; fibre cladding; fibre optics cladding; optical fiber cladding; optical fibre cladding; fiber optics cladding
el., construct. paving
environ. coating A material applied onto or impregnated into a substrate for protective, decorative, or functional purposes. Such materials include, but are not limited to, paints, varnishes, sealers, adhesives, thinners, diluents, and inks
fish.farm. blanket
hydrol. planting
industr. covering; bricking-up
industr., construct. doubling; laminating; coating; lining; overlay; sheathing; skim coating; sheath; paper plastic overlay
isol. housing
law, transp. ... slight deformation of or puncture holes in the aircraft skin ...
mater.sc., mech.eng. insert; liner; package liner
mech.eng. cover; lagging
med. integument (integumentum)
met. washing (de métaux); cased joists; furnace lining; furnace jacket
nat.res. film; cover layer (hydraulic engineering)
pack. coat; lamination; laminate; package insert
soil. cutan
tech., met. hot dip metal coating
textile surface coating; upholstering
transp. skin of the aerofoil; skin
transp., avia., tech. aircraft skin
transp., construct. close-graded surfacing; facing; revetment
transp., polit. surface course; runway surface
revêtements m
patents. cladding
transp. coatings
UN, econ. coverings; finishes; floor coverings and finishes
revetement m
insur. skin
transp. casing; covering; sheathing 2. coating
revêtement matières plastiques m
gen. laminating
revêtement de la route m
transp. road surface
revêtement en terre
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects
Life sciences2