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gen. citation
arts. reference
industr. construct. setting wheel
IT gen. tech. cross-reference; reference
law amendment; referral
math. dropout
mech.eng. burping
polit. discharge
à des | normes
proced.law. legal rule
- only individual words found

to phrases
renvoi m
gen. citation; adjournment; belching; eructation; return (de la balle)
arts. cross reference
chem. cross-reference (bibliographique); transmission gear
coal. return end; tail end
commun. over-run
comp. message rerouting (des messages); message forwarding (des messages); forwarding (des messages); swap-out
construct. control transfer instruction
immigr. refusal of entry
industr., construct. setting wheel
IT, tech. cross-reference; reference
lab.law. dismissal
law amendment; referral
market., commun. caret
math. dropout
mech.eng. burping; countershaft
med. involuntary discharge from hospital; ructus
patents. delay; postponement
polit. discharge (dismissal, licenciement); discharge dismissal (licenciement)
tab.tenn. return
tech. flare
telecom. follow me; call diversion
transp. snubbing unit
work.fl., commun. cross reference
renvois m
med. belching; eructation
renvoi à des normes
: 1 phrase in 1 subject