
   French English
Google | Forvo | +
arts. publication
comp., MS advertisement; publication; publishing
interntl.trade. document of publication
law recordation
libr. issue; publication
patents. declaration; disclosure
| d
commun. IT D-star
| une
commun. front page
| interprétation
econ. interpreting
| ou
comp. OR
| exécution
law market. distraint
| fixée
chem. attached
| ou
comp. OR
| d
commun. IT D-star
| un
unions. ENU
| phonogramme
earth.sc. el. sound record
- only individual words found

to phrases
publication f
arts. publication
comp. publishing
comp., MS advertisement (A Configuration Manager object that the site server sends as a notification to the management points, specifying that a program, software update deployment, or task sequence is available for clients); publication (The output created in desktop publishing applications); publishing (Method of advertising a feature or application. Publishing does not populate the UI. However, if another application attempts to open a published application, there is enough information present for the installer to assign the published application); post (A message that appears in a newsgroup, public folder, or other forum accessible by a number of individuals); postback The process in which a Web page sends data back to the same page on the server (postback)
fin. public disclosure
interntl.trade. document of publication
law recordation
law, fin. communication; communication and announcement; notice
libr. issue (Document qui est généralement édité en multiples exemplaires et qui est destiné à être rendu public); publication (Document qui est généralement édité en multiples exemplaires et qui est destiné à être rendu public)
patents. declaration; disclosure
publicationde l'UPU f
commun. publication of the UPU
publications f
gen. printed publications
 French thesaurus
publication f
comp., MS ASCII
publication d'une interprétation ou exécution
: 1 phrase in 1 subject