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comp., MS Wallet
fin. Money Market,Bills & Cheques
gen. portfolio; ministerial post
arts. portfolio
comp., MS portfolio
corp.gov. holdings
industr. construct. pocket file
gen. pocket wallets
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| valeurs
comp., MS value
mobilières | de
earth.sc. Dec
| licences
arts. licence
| ou
comp. OR
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| brevets
econ. patent
- only individual words found

to phrases
portefeuille m
gen. portfolio (A group of prints or drawings issued by an artist); ministerial post
arts. portfolio
comp., MS portfolio (A list of projects within an organization that may share common management of scope, budget, or resources)
corp.gov. holdings
industr., construct. pocket file; wallet
portefeuilles m
gen. pocket wallets
patents. pocket wallets (de poche); wallets
Portefeuille m
comp., MS Wallet (" The feature on Windows Phone where a person can add credit cards that can be used to purchase things through the Store or for in-app purchases. Depending on the phone, locale, and OEM, if users add credit cards to Wallet, they will also be able to pay for things with their phones using NFC. The Wallet can also be used to save "coupons" that the user may receive from businesses. ")
fin. Money Market,Bills & Cheques
 French thesaurus
portefeuille m
slang lit
portefeuille de valeurs
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
Corporate governance1