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comp., MS range; scope
fin. outreach
fishery action radius
forestr. turning radius
mech.eng. working radius; radius reach; working reach; working sweep
mech.eng. construct. tooth marking
| effective
comp. effective resistance
du | modèle d'utilité
 modèle d’utilité
patents. utility model
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
portée f
bank. margin; allowance
build.struct. bay
chem. carrying power (d'une balance, etc.)
comp., MS range (The range of a light. Objects that are within the range will be lit by the light. Objects beyond the range of the light will not be lit by the light. Range properties only apply to the Spot Light and Point Light); scope (The parts of the vision for the solution that can be accomplished within the constraints of a given version. Negotiating the scope of a project balances customer needs and desires against technological and business constraints)
construct. span, clear width, clear span, effective span, width of span (libre entre appuis); projection; overhang (of structural element)
fin. outreach
forestr. turning radius
mech.eng. working radius; radius reach; working reach; working sweep
mech.eng., construct. tooth marking
met. binder core; steady pin (foundry); core print (de modèle)
UN Range
portées f
met. prints; brasses
portée du sonar f
fishery action radius
portée adj.
comp., MS reach (The number of unique users who perform a specific action, such as clicking on a specific ad)
construct. span
cultur., commun. coverage
industr., construct. beer
IT, el. scope
IT, tech. scope of a declaration
law ambit
law, transp., mech.eng. significance
life.sc., anim.husb. farrow; litter
math. range (en géostatistique)
mech.eng., el. journal
met. coreprint
mun.plan., earth.sc. blow; throw
nat.sc., agric. carry; reach
transp., polit. sweep
portéearche adj.
transp. span arch
portée effective du
: 1 phrase in 1 subject