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arts. I.O.U.
econ. long term bond
fin. bond
fin. BrE debenture loan
law engagement; undertaking; public duty
law econ. commitment; pledgery
account. bonds
| à
gen. per
| hypothèque
econ. mortgage
- only individual words found

to phrases
obligation f
arts. I.O.U.
econ. long term bond
fin. bond; bonds; notes payable; bond certificate; debenture bond; debenture stock; debt security; investment bond; loan stock debenture
fin., BrE debenture loan
IMF. corporate bond (de société); debenture (garantie, GBR); promissory note; note
law engagement; undertaking; public duty; private duty; duty
law, econ. commitment; pledgery
law, engl. debenture; obligation
patents. liability; condition; injunction; imposition
obligations f
account. bonds
econ. loan stock; equity capital; equity funds; equity; indebtedness the sum owed
fin. marketable debt securities
IMF. liability holdings; liabilities
law obligations
obligation de la BERD f
fin., engl. obligation of the EBRD
obligation à hypothèque
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects